DRDO Recruitment 2022 – Apply For Fresh Job Vacancies, Check Qualification
DRDO Recruitment 2022: Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) is hiring eligible candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF). As per the official DRDO Recruitment, there are only 3 vacancies for this post.
The Age and Educational qualification for this recruitment will be calculated/determined as of the interview date. Only those candidates who have been awarded a Degree/Provisional Degree certificate are eligible to apply.
The Offer of fellowship is purely temporary in nature for a limited period as per rules in vogue and does not confer any right for absorption in DRDO. The last date for DRDO Recruitment 2022 application submission is 21 days before the date of publication in the Employment News or before 31st December 2022 (whichever is later). Applications received after the due date will not be entertained and incomplete applications will be rejected.
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Check all the details for Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) Recruitment 2022 given below
Name of the Post for DRDO Recruitment 2022
Junior Research Fellow (JRF) – 3
Eligibility Criteria for DRDO Recruitment 2022
Graduate degree in professional course (B.E/B.TECH) in first division with NET/GATE (OR) Post Graduate degree in professional course (M.E/M.TECH) in first division both at Graduate and Post Graduate level (OR) Post graduate degree in Basic Science in first division with NET Qualification
Qualification for DRDO Recruitment 2022
Strong fundamentals in problem-solving, algorithm design and complexity analysis
Expert in at least one primary programming language (Python, Java, C++ or similar)
Knowledge of classical AI algorithms, Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques is strongly desirable.
Proven experience with software libraries such as PyTorch, Tensorflow, Keras, TensorRT, and PyTorchMobile.
Apart from the qualifications mentioned above, either one of the following can also be considered:
Comprehensive speech and language technology knowledge, including speech recognition and natural language understanding NLP/ Machine Translation. (OR)
Comprehensive knowledge of 3D Vision and Simultaneous Mapping and Localization (SLAM), ROS. (OR)
Comprehensive knowledge of Computer Vision including Generative Models. (OR)
Comprehensive knowledge of Reinforcement Learning
Age Limit for DRDO Recruitment 2022
The upper age limit for DRDO Recruitment 2022 is 28 years as of the date of the interview. The age limit relaxation is 5 years for SC/ST, and 3 years for OBC candidates.
Salary for DRDO Recruitment 2022
The salary for this Recruitment will be Rs 31000 per month + HRA as applicable (at present 27%). Hence, the total salary will be Rs. 39370 (Based on availability, accommodation can be provided, which means HRA will be deducted).
DRDO Recruitment 2022 – Apply for fresh job vacancies, check qualificationDuration for DRDO Recruitment 2022
According to the official DRDO Recruitment 2022 notification, the candidate will work initially for the first two years as JRF and will subsequently be elevated as SRF for the remaining two/three years, subject to satisfactory performance to be assessed annually and as per DRDO rules. The Research Fellowship may be terminated at any time during the tenure with prior notice of one month. Fellows may resign with prior notice of one month.
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Selection Process for DRDO Recruitment 2022
1. Eligible candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of GATE score/percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying degree.
2. Shortlisted candidates are required to appear for the online coding examination(tentatively on 19th January), details of the examination will be communicated subsequently on their mail ids.
3. The qualified candidates will be required to appear for a personal interview to be held at DRDO Young Scientist Laboratory- Artificial Intelligence (DYSL-AI) Dr. Raja Ramanna Complex, Raj Bhavan Circle, High Grounds, Bengaluru-560001 or through Video Conferencing as decided by Director, DYSL-AI, date and time will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates separately by speed post/email. The decision of the Director as to whether an in-person interview or Video conferencing will be final and binding on the candidates.
4. The decision of the committee constituted by the Director, DYSL-AI in selecting the candidate will be final and binding on all the candidates.
How to Apply for DRDO Recruitment 2022
Eligible candidates may send their duly completed applications as per the details below:
1. Duly filled application (Annexure -1 ) downloadable from DRDO’s official website.
2. NOC & other testimonials as applicable in case of serving candidate (Annexure –II & Annexure – III) downloadable from DRDO’s official website.
3. CV.
4. Self-attested copies of the educational certificates.
5. Self-attested copies of DOB.
6. Self-attested copy of caste certificate (Wherever applicable).
Note: Candidates sending applications by post should write in bold letters “Application for JRF recruitment” on the TOP of the cover of the envelope.
To Read the DRDO Recruitment 2022 Official Notification – Click Here