CPO Chowk, Panjtirthi Chowni, Jammu/ Zamzam Complex Rambagh, Srinagar (
Subject: Final selection List for 298 posts of Driver/Driver-I/ Driver-II Tractor Driver advertised vide Notification Nos. 04, 05, 06 & 07 of 2020 and 01, 02 & 03 of 2021 UT/ Division/ District Cadres- Release of Waiting List for Item Nos. 425 thereof
Whereas, the J&K Services Selection Board received Indents from
various departments for the posts of Driver/Driver-I/Driver-II & Tractor Driver, for
UT/Division/District Cadre for making direct recruitment to these posts, as per the
Whereas, the JKSSB advertised these 298 posts vide Notification Nos.
04, 05, 06 & 07 of 2020 and 01, 02 & 03 of 2021, for seeking application from the
eligible candidates and the Computer Based Written Test (CBT) for these posts was
held on 07.02.2023; and Whereas, the designated Selection Committee framed the Final
Selection List for these posts of Driver/Driver-I/Driver-II & Tractor Driver, which was
subsequently approved in the 249th Board Meeting and, notified vide No. JKSSB
Scry/7/2023-03 (E-7259835) dated 30.12.2023, and subsequently, forwarded to
Revenue Department vide letter dated 09.01.2024; and
Whereas, the waiting list for these posts was not forwarded with the
main selection list as it was a Combined Selection and as per the Board Requlations,
the waiting list for such selections shall be forwarded only upon the receipt of such
requests from the concerned departments. Further, the proisions for drawing the
waiting lists were also omitted altogether; andWhereas, vide S.O 134 dated 28th February, 2024, the provisions for
preparation of the waiting lists were revived and vide letter No. FCR-NGAZ/63/2024-02
(7433749) dated 14.08.2024, a communication was received from Revenue
Department/ Financial Commissioner (Revenue), for furnishing the waiting list
against one Non-joining candidate; and
Whereas, the Selection Committee Re-constitution was approved vide file No.
JKSSB- Scry/7/2023-03 (E-7259835) for these posts. The Committee, having regard to the
candidature, merit/ preference of the candidates, prepared waiting list in respect of one
eligible candidate in the respective category/ cadre (shown in Annexure to this notification),
which was subsequently placed and approved in the 293rd Board Meeting.
Now, therefore, after taking into consideration all the aforementioned factors,
the Waiting List for the posts of Driver-II, Revenue Department, advertised Vide
Notification No. 02 of 2021 dated 26.03.2021, is hereby notified in respect of eligible
candidate as per Annexure-A to this Notification: It is further ordered that:
The above Waiting List shall be subject to outcome of writ petition(s)/OA(S), if any, pending
in the court of law.
i. The Waiting list shall also be subject to the outcome of any pending enquiry, involving
candidate(s), figuring in the Selection/Waiting List.
ii. Formal recommendation to the concerned indenting department shall be made separately.
iv. The candidate(s) whose recommendation is kept withheld shall submit the requisite
documents/certificates within a period of one month.
V. The Selection of the candidates has been made on the basis of
self-declaration/Certificates submitted by them and if at any stage, it comes to the light that
any candidate(s) has submitted false information or has secured selection in the list on the
basis of false documents/certificates, the selection shall be liable to cancellation at any
By Order.
(Atul Kumar) JKAS,Secretary
J&K Servipes Selection Board
Dated: 08.01.2025 No. JKSSB- Scry/7/2023-03-Part-I (E-7409766)
Copy to the:
1. Financial Commissioner (Revenue Department), J&K.
2. Commissioner/ Secretary to the Government, General Administration Department.3. Secretary to the Government, Revenue Department.t Director Information, J&K, with the request to publish this Notification in at-least three leading
newspapers of Jammu/ Srinagar.
5. PA to Chairperson, JKSSB.
6. In-charge Planning Section, JKSSB.
7. In-charge Website, JKSSB.
8. Office records
JKSSB – *Notification regarding Final selection List for 298 posts of Driver/Driver-I/ Driver-II Tractor Driver advertised vide Notification Nos. 04, 05, 06 & 07 of 2020 and 01, 02 & 03 of 2021 UT/ Division/ District Cadres- Filling up of Reserved post thereof.*