JEE Main 2021 Re-Exam Admit Card Released Download Now

JEE Main 2021 re-exam admit card released @ Direct link here



The re-exam admit card for the candidates who were unable to appear in the JEE (Main) 2021 (Session-3) in their respective Examination Centers in the cities/districts of Kolhapur, Palghar, Ratnagiri, Raigadh, Sindhudurg, Sangli, and Satara on the 25th and 27th of July 2021 has been released.



The JEE Main Session 3 will be conducted on August 3 and August 4.



As per the notification, Paper 1 (BE./BTech.) will be held on August 3 and 4, and Paper 2A and 2B (BArch./BPlanning) will be held on August 5.



Here’s how to download JEE Main Session 3 admit card:



Visit the official website

Click on “Download Admit Card for Session-3 JEE (Main) April 2021”

Enter in your Application No, Date of Birth, and Security Pin

Check and keep the hard copy of the same for future use

If any student has any doubt regarding the admit card or JEE Main 2021 examination, can call 011-40759000 or email for more information.



Download Admit card from Here