Forest Research Institute J&K invites application for Walk-in Interview for engaging Project-Mode Technical/ Project Assistants merely on temporary basis in Kashmir Valley for CAMPA funded project on “Geotagging of Mighty Chinars in Kashmir Valley” purely on temporary, project-mode basis for a period of nine months only. The engagement of the Project Assistants/Technical Assistants will be done as per FRI rules/guidelines cleared by Management Committee JKFRl in 7 meeting held on 15-05-2013, subsequently approved by Board of Govemors in its 4″ meeting held on 10-09-2013 and issued vide this office No:SFRI/ Adm/ B-4/611-15 dated 26-10-2013. The eligibility, experience, monthly emoluments and number of positions is as provided below:
Name of the Post:
Project / Technical Assistant
Desirable Qualification: Graduation in -(Botany /zoology/Forestry/Statistics/ Agriculture/ Life Sciences/ Environmental Sciences / Biological Sciences /Wildlife Science / Computer Science)
Age: Not more than 26 Yrs on the date of receiving of last date of application/Date of Walk in Interview
To read Full Notification : Click Here
1. Engagement of Project/Technical Assistants shall be merely on temporary basis for project period.
2. Eligible candidates, satisfying above críteria should report by 10.30AM for registration and scrutiny of documents on 5t July, 2021 followed by an interview on
the same day from 12:30 hrs.
3. Candidates should bring the application indicating qualification and experience along with one passport size photograph with true copies of testimonials of
educational qualifications, research experience; GIS/remote sensing study experience or relevant certiicates, marks sheets of all examinations, etc.
4. Ail orignal documents/certmcates must be produced at the time of registration/ interview.
5. The engaged persons shall have to work strictly as per project schedule and calendar of operation.
6. The interview shall be held at FRI Complex Sonwar Srinagar.
7. No TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview.
8. The copy of specific and detailed tems& conditions shall be provided to the selected candidates after completion of the selection procedure.
Winter Office: Forest Research Complex, Janipur, Jammu 180007 Ph./Fax 0191-2538151, 2533911
Summer Office: Sonwar near Woodland School, Srinagar. Ph. /fax: 0194-2465213, 2468820
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