Conduct of Online Counseling of eligible candidates of JKBOPEE NEET UG 2023: filling up of online preferences & updated Rank wise Provisional Merit List
JKBOPEE NEET UG 2023 Counseling 1st round online counseling is live candidates can fill-up their online Choices upto 3rd August, 2023. Candidates are advised not to use mobile/tablets for filling of online choices.
It is notified for information of all the eligible NEET-UG 2023 candidates who have already registered themselves and uploaded /submitted the documents with the J&K BOPEE that the process for submission of online preferences for allotment of Colleges /Courses shall commence w.e.f 01st August, 2023 to 3rd August 2023 (mid-night). As the Board has received some objections/representations/deficient documents upto 29-07-2023 (till 2.00 pm), which were examined by the Board and accordingly, an updated rank wise Provisional Merit List (PML) has been prepared which is annexed as Annexure “A” to this notification which shall remain available on website of the Board ( only.
The instructions relating to filling up of online preferences for allotment ofCollege/Course on merit cum preference basis shall be available in e-Information Brochure uploaded on website of the Board along with the seat matrix before the commencement of final online counseling process starts
Further, the candidates shall have to pay online counseling fee of Rs. 1500/- as mentioned in the e-Information Brochure of NEET-UG 2023.
The Board has provisionally allowed the candidates who have failed to clear their deficiencies such as either DOB, Domicile or Marks Card of 12th class examination upto 29.10.2022 to participate in the online counseling process as mentioned in the Notification No. 045-BOPEE of 2023 dated 27.07.2023, with the condition that in case of their selection they have to submit their documents at the time of admission in the respective Colleges, failing which their admission shall be cancelled abinitio. The candidates who have failed to submit/clear their deficient category certificates till the cutoff date have been converted intoopen merit category, if otherwise eligible under open merit, as already mentioned in the Notification No. 045-BOPEE of 2023 dated 27.07.2023. Those candidates who have not submitted any of their documents, the candidature of such candidates has been rejected.
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The candidates who have been awarded Sports Points by the J&K Sports Council have been included in the Updated Rank wise Merit List. The candidates whose names have not been included in the Sports Council list, they have been treated as open merit, if otherwise eligible.
The candidates participating in the counselling process are advised not to use Mobile phones / Tabs during the filling up of online preferences.
The other terms and conditions shall remain the same as mentioned in the e-Information Brochure and the Notifications/Notices issued by the Board in this regard on the subject from time to time.
JKBOPEE NEET UG 2023 Counseling: Click below to Download official notification pdf and merit list
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