JKBOSE important Notice For 11th class students who have recently promoted to 12th class

 JKBOSE For 11th class students who have recently promoted to 12th class.school admission / admission cum permission forms thereof



Subject:- Schedule for submission of Renewal Registration Returns, Permission: Permission-

cum-Admission Forms and Statements of Enrollment of Higher Secondary dmission Forms and Statements of Enrollment of Higher Secondary

Part-II (Class 12″) for Annual/Regular,2021 Examination pertaining fo.  Kashmir Division (excluding District Kargil).



Consequent upon:

Declaration of result of HSP- I (Class 11″) Annual (Private)/ Bi- Annual, 2020-21 pursuant to Notification bearing endorsement No. F(Acad- C)Result/X11/20-21, dated.23-06-2021. Regularization of provisional admission in consonance with the Government

Order bearing No.119-Edu of 2017, dated. 15-

03-2017 read with March, 2021, 23

Notifications bearing No. F(JSE/R/Prov.)2l, dated. 1″

April, 2021 and F(Aca d-C)Adms/XI-XII/18, dated.24-09-2018.



it is hereby notified for information and follow-up

action of all the concerned candidates, who have been declared successful in Higher Secondary Part-I(Class have been declared successful in Hig

her Secondary Part-I(Class 11th ) Annual (Private)/ Bi-Annual, 2020-21 Examination and are on-ros, and are _on-rolls. in 11th ) Annual (Private)/ Bi-Annual, 2020-21 Examination

Regular capacity, in_Higher Secondary Part-II (Class 12th ) for the current current Regular capacity

in_Higher Seconda Part-II_(Class 12″

Academic Session 2020-21 in the Affiliated Academic Institutions of the Kashmir Session 2020-21 in the Affiliated Academic Institutions oj the Kashmir

that the notification-schedule for offline Division (excluding District Kargil),



Permission-cum-Admission  Forms

Submission of Renewal Registration Returns, Permission-cum-Admission Forms

and Statements _of Enrollment by the eligible candidates concerning  Statements _of Enroll nt by the eligible ble candidates

concerning Higher Secondary Part-II (Class 12°) for Annual/Regular,2021 Examinarion :

for Annual/Regular,2021 Examination shall be as