JKBOSE Important Notification for Classes 10th, 11th & 12th Regarding examinations


JKBOSE Important Notification for Classes 10th, 11th & 12th Regarding examinations


JKBOSE Important Notification for Classes 10th, 11th & 12th Regarding examinations


Classes : 10th, 11th, 12th


Designated Exam Centres for Classes 10-12 in Jammu Asked to Put Off Offline Classwork


Authorities have directed for suspension of classwork in educational educations, designated as examination centres in Jammu division, amid ongoing exams for 10-12 classes, in a circular issued on Friday evening.



“In view of the ongoing examination for Secondary level classes all the head of institutions (Govt/Private) are directed that there shall be no offline class work in schools of Jammu Division, designated as examination centres for the ongoing/upcoming examination of class 10th, 11″ and 12″ on the examination day due to prevailing conditions”, the circular.


“However, all Heads of institution shall continue to impart online education/class to its students during the exam days so that the education of the children is not affected”, it states further. GNS