JKBOSE issues dates for admission forms for Class 10th.

JKBOSE issues dates for admission forms for Class 10th.



It is hereby notified for information of all the concerned that the following dates have been fixed for submission of Permission-cum-Admission Forms (Offline) along with the prescribed Fee of Secondary School Examination (10th Class) for the ensuing Bi-Annual (Pvt).Session, 2021, Summer Zone areas of Jammu Province for Failure/Re-appear/Fresh/Backlog/Eligibility cases as well as Reappear/Failure of those candidates, whose result have been declared on 29-06-2021.



Secondary School Examination(10th Class) S/Z.


In case the last date falls on holiday, the next working day shall be considered as last date.



Check out full Details Here 




i) Rs.10/- (Rupees Ten only) per candidate in addition to the requisite fee is

chargeable by the Institution concerned.

ii) Rs. 20/- i.e cost of Admission form shall be chargeable only for those candidates, whose Pre-filed forms are issued by the JK BOSE along with

their Computerized Marks Certificates.

ii) All the Br/Sub Offices of JK BOSE falling under the Summer Zone Areas of

Jammu Division are instructed to submit Centre Notice, Examination Forms

and Micro-packing in the office of the Assistant Secretary(Exams), Rehari Colony, Jammu latest by 10-08-2021 SE gly.



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