JKBOSE issues dates for admission forms for Class 10th.
It is hereby notified for information of all the concerned that the following dates have been fixed for submission of Permission-cum-Admission Forms (Offline) along with the prescribed Fee of Secondary School Examination (10th Class) for the ensuing Bi-Annual (Pvt).Session, 2021, Summer Zone areas of Jammu Province for Failure/Re-appear/Fresh/Backlog/Eligibility cases as well as Reappear/Failure of those candidates, whose result have been declared on 29-06-2021.
Secondary School Examination(10th Class) S/Z.
In case the last date falls on holiday, the next working day shall be considered as last date.
Check out full Details Here
i) Rs.10/- (Rupees Ten only) per candidate in addition to the requisite fee is
chargeable by the Institution concerned.
ii) Rs. 20/- i.e cost of Admission form shall be chargeable only for those candidates, whose Pre-filed forms are issued by the JK BOSE along with
their Computerized Marks Certificates.
ii) All the Br/Sub Offices of JK BOSE falling under the Summer Zone Areas of
Jammu Division are instructed to submit Centre Notice, Examination Forms
and Micro-packing in the office of the Assistant Secretary(Exams), Rehari Colony, Jammu latest by 10-08-2021 SE gly.
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