JKBOSE | Schedule for submission of exam forms for Class 11th Annual (Private)/Bi-Annual 2020-21 Examinations pertaining to KASHMIR DIVISION including District Kargil
JKBOSE | Schedule for submission of exam forms for Class 10th & 12th Annual (Private)/Bi-Annual 2020-21 examinations – for the candidates who were declared unsuccessful in the Special Examination Annual (Private)/Bi-Annual 2019-20 and Annual Regular 2020 Examinations
Schedule for submission of Permission-cum-Admission Forms and Statement of Enrollments of Class Annual (Private)/Bi-Annual 2020-2021
Examination pertaining to Kashmir Division (including District Kargil).
Sequel to the declaration of the result of HSP-1 (Class 11th) Annual/Regular, 2020 Examination, it is hereby notified for information and follow-up.
action of all the concerned that the notification-schedule for offline submission of the Permission-cum- Admission Forms and Statement of Enrollments of Higher Secondary Part-I (Class 11th) by the eligibile candidates pertaining to Kashmir Division (induding District Kargil), for Annual(Private)/Bi-Annual. 2020-2021 Examination, shall be as under:
Description Class Prescribed Fee Applicable date/Last date
Submission of Permission-cum-Admission Forms along with per candidate Statements of Enrollment
Candidates with 5 subjects 11th
Rs.1040/- Last date 9th June. 2021 (inclusive of preparation days)
Candidates with additional subjectis) 5+ 05. With late fee, in addition to normal prescribed fee for 1st count.
Rs.670/ Last date 19th June.2021 (inclusive of preparation days)..
Click here to check full Notification
Reappear/ Failure candidates of HSP-1(Class 11th) Annual/Regular, 2020 Examination Subject Change. Improvement of performance / Additional subjects of Annual Regular, 2020
Besides above, candidates of Higher Secondary Part-II (Class 12th) studying in the Affiliated Academic Institutions of the Kashmir Division and those candidates who have or are intending to migrate to JK BOSE from other Recognized Boards in Class 12th.
for the current Academic Session 2020-21, and are desirous 10 change their subject’s, as per the combination of subjects’ scheme of studies, shall be allowed to do so after completion of required formalities) deposition of the requisite fee of Rs.350/- and submit the PCA Forms of the corresponding changed subjects in HSP-I (Class 11th) on normal prescribed fee. til 9th June 2021. Notwithstanding the result for HSP (Class 12th) Annual/ Regular, 2021 shall be kept withheld under Disputed Eligibility category till they qualify the corresponding changed subject/s in HSP-1 (Class 11th).
Further, the candidates of SSE (Class 10th)Annual (Private) Bi-Annual 2019-20, who have been dedared successful under Re-evaluation notification dated 25-03-2021 and are eligible to submit the PCA Forms for HSP-1 (Class 11th) Annual (Private), Bi-Annual 2020-2021 Examination shall also be allowed to do so
on deposition of normal prescribed fee for PCA Forms and Renewal Registration Returns, till 9th June, 2021.
Note: Dates notified are inclusive and no preparation days are allowed General Instructions:
JKBOSE | Schedule for submission of exam forms for Class 10th & 12th Annual (Private)/Bi-Annual 2020-21 examinations – for the candidates who were declared unsuccessful in the Special Examination Annual (Private)/Bi-Annual 2019-20 and Annual Regular 2020 Examinations