JKSSB Advance Notice for conduct of Examinations to various Posts.

JKSSB Advance Notice for conduct of Examinations to various Posts.

Advance Notice for conduct of Examinations to various Posts.

J&K Services Selection Board

It is hereby notified for the information of candidates that the Jammu and

Kashmir Services Selection Board(JKSSB) is scheduled to conduct written test for various

posts, tentatively as per the details given in Annexure “A” to this notice

This is an Advance Notice for the information of candidates. The exact dates

along-with the schedule of downloading of Admit Cards shall be notified separately in due

COurse of time.

The syllabus for these posts has already been notified by the Board and is

enclosed as Annexure B andC.

Copy to:


Secretariat Srinagar/Jammu.

1. Commissioner/Secretary to the Government, General Administration Department, Civil

4. Members (ALL).

2. Divisional Commissioner Jammu/Kashmir for information.

Reyaz Ahmed Malik (JKAS)

Controller of Examinations

J&K Services Selection Board

3. Director Information J&K Jammu/Srinagar with request to get the notice published in at

least 02 leading dailies for 03 consecutive days.

5. Secretary J&K Services Selection Board.

8. Office File.

Dated: 04.10.2023

6. Administrative Officer Jammu/Kashmir for information.

7. Pvt. Secretary to Chairman J&K SSB for information of the Chairman.