JKSSB Advertisement Notification No.03 of 2022 for 1395 posts Check Details

Advertisement Notification No.03 of 2022

 Dated: 26-05-2022


Subject:-Advertisement for District Cadre posts of Rural Development &

Panchayati Raj Department under provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir

Civil Services – Decentralization and Recruitment Act, 2010 and rules

made thereunder read with other relevant rules governing the subject.

Reference:-Requisition of Posts/Vacancies received from Indenting Department as per the details given below:


S.No. Reference of Indent Department No. of posts


1 RDD-Estt/63/2021-12-RDD Dated:-

02-04-2022 followed by RDD-

Estt/63/2021-12-RDD Dated:-05-05-2022

Rural Development &Panchyati Raj1395


a) Date of Commencement for submission of online applications= 06-06-2022.

b) Last Date for submission of online applications = 06-07-2022.


c) Annexure “A” = Name of the Post, Cadre, Pay Level, Category wise break up

of posts, Qualification and Criteria for selection.

d) Annexure ‘”B”=Certificate regarding physical limitation.

e) Annexure “C”=Letter of undertaking for using own Scribe.


The J&K Services Selection Board invites online application from eligible

candidates for participation in the selection process for District Cadre posts shown

in Annexure “A” to this Notification.

The detailed terms and conditions with regard to eligibility, educational

qualification, domicile, reservation, etc are as follows:-

(1) Appointment of the candidates: –

i. The Appointment and other service conditions in respect of the

candidate selected through this selection process, shall be governed by


the provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir Probationer (Condition of

Services, Pay & Allowances) and Fixation of Tenure Rules, 2020, notifiedvide S.O 192 dated 17th of June 2020.


ii. The reservation under this Advertisement Notification shall be

applicable in accordance with the provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir

Reservation Rules notified vide SRO 294 dated 21-10-2005 read with

SO 127 of 2020 dated 20.04.2020.

(2) Domicile: -The candidate should be a Domicile of the Union Territory of Jammu

& Kashmir as defined in terms of the Notifications issued by the Ministry of Home

Affairs, Government of India vide S.O 1229 (E) dated 31-03-2020 and S.O

1245(E) dated 03-04-2020 read with Notification issued by the General

Administration Department, Government of Jammu and Kashmir vide S.O 166

dated 18-05-2020.


The candidate must possess Domicile Certificate issued by the Competent

Authority on the format prescribed for the purpose, on or before the last date

of submission of online application form.

(3) Vacancies: -The District Wise details of notified posts are given in Annexure

“A” to this notification. However, the number of posts can undergo increase or

decrease without any notice before the completion of selection process, if so

communicated by the concerned Indenting Department.

(4) Age limit: – (as on 01-01-2022)

The requirement of age for Open Merit & Reserved Category candidates is as



Check out full Notification Here