Subject: Result/Score Sheet of OMR based Objective type Written Test for
the post of Accounts Assistant (Finance Department), UT Cadre
advertised vide Advertisement Notification No 04 of 2020, Under
Item No 106, held on 06th of March, 2022-regarding.
Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB)
advertised 972 posts of Accounts Assistant (Finance Department), UT Cadre,
Under Item No 106, vide Advertisement Notification No 04 of 2020 dated 16-
12-2020, under the provisions of Jammu & Kashmir Civil Services– Decentralization and
Recruitment Act, 2010 and;
Whereas, the JKSSB conducted OMR based Objective type Written Test
for the aforesaid post of Accounts Assistant (Finance Department), on 06th of
March, 2022; and,
2. Whereas, the JKSSB vide notice no SSB/COE/AAF/2022/2275-87 dated 06-
03-2022 notified tentative answer key for viewing and seeking of
representation/objection regarding correctness of the Questions/Answers from 07th of
March 2022 to 09th of March 2022, through the link provided the official website of the
Board; and,
3. Whereas, in response to aforesaid notice, 21498 representations were
received from candidates against 120 unique questions. Subsequently, the
representations/objections were got examined by the Agency concerned through Subject
Matter Experts; and,
4. Whereas, the JKSSB pursuant to disposal of the representations/
objections submitted by the candidates, notified the revised answer Key(s) vide No.
SSB/COE/CBT/2022/3882-89 dated: 12-04-2022; and,
5. Now, therefore, in view of the above the result/ score sheet, based on the
performance of candidates who appeared in the OMR based Objective type Written
Test for the post of Accounts Assistant (Finance Department), UT Cadre
advertised vide Advertisement Notification No 04 of 2020, Under Item No 106,
held on 06th of March, 2022, is hereby notified as Annexure “A”.
6. It is further notified that