JKSSB fresh Recruitment Advertisement No 04 of 2022

Government of Jammu and Kashmir

J&K Services Selection Board(www.jkssb.nic.in)

 Advertisement Notification No.04 of 2022 Dated: 27-07-2022

Subject:-Advertisement for District/Divisional/UT Cadre posts of Indenting

Department(s) under the provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir Civil

Services – Decentralization and Recruitment Act, 2010 and rules made

thereunder, read with other relevant rules governing the subject.

Reference:-Requisition of Posts/Vacancies received from Indenting

Departments as per the details given below

a) Date of Commencement for submission of online applications= 14-08-2022.

b) Last Date for submission of online applications = 14-09-2022.

c) Annexure “A” = Name of the Post, Cadre, Pay Level, Category wise break up

of posts, Qualification and Criteria for selection.

d) Annexure ‘”B”=Certificate regarding physical limitation.

e) Annexure “C”=Letter of undertaking for using own Scribe.

The J&K Services Selection Board invites online application from eligible

candidates for participation in the selection process for District/Divisional/UT

Cadre posts shown in Annexure “A” to this Notification.

The detailed terms and conditions with regard to eligibility, educational

qualification, domicile, reservation, etc are as follows:


Check out full Notification Here