JKSSB reschedules exam dates for various posts


JAMMU & KASHMIR SERVICES SELECTION BOARD CPO Chowk Panitirthi, Jammu/ Zamzam Complex Rambagh Srinagar.www.jkssb.nic.in


Subject: Rescheduling of Examinations for Various Posts-regarding



Whereas, vide Notice No. JKSSB-COEOEXAM/UT/10/2023-04 7055504)

Dated 03-01-2025, the candidates experiencing clash of examination dates were given opportunity to represent before the Board within 03 working days of the issuance of the said notice

Whereas, in response, 27 representations have been received at JKSSB



Jammu/Srinagar offices from candidates regarding rescheduling of examinations.

Now, in view of the above, the revised/fresh dates for such examinations are hereby notified as Annexure “A” to this notice. The syllabus for such posts already notified vide Notice No. JKSSB-COEOEXAM(UT)/10/2023-04 (7055504) dated: 03-01-

2025 shall remain the same.



Further, the dates of examinations for other posts shall remains the same as

reflected in the previous notice.01.01.2025)

Reyaz Ahmad Malik JKAS

ontroller of Examinations

J&K Services Selection Board

Dated: 10-01-2025

No. JKSSB-COEOEXAM/UT/10/2023-04 (7055504)



Copy to the:

  1. Commissioner/Secretary to the Government, General Administration Department, Civil Secretariat, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar.
  2. Director Information & Public Relations, J&K Government with the request to get the said notification published in at least three leading local newspapers of Jammu/Srinagar for three consecutive days.
  3. Members) ALL, J&K Services Selection Board.
  4. Secretary, J&K Services Selection Board.
  5. Deputy Controller of examinations J&K Services Selection Board
  6. Administrative Officer, Services Selection Board, Jammu/Srinagar.
  7. P/S to Chairperson, J&K Services Selection Board for the information of Ld.
  8. In-charge Website, Services Selection Board, Jammu.
  9. Office record.