JKSSB schedules OMR/ CBT Examinations for various posts – check here

JKSSB schedules OMR/ CBT Examinations for various posts w.e.f. 06th March, 2022. Candidates who have applied for various posts are advised to take notice and gear-up for the said exams. JKSSB wishes best of luck to all aspirants.



JAMMU AND KASHMIR SERVICES SELECTION BOARD (JKSSB)Hema Complex, Sector -3, Channi Himmat, Jammu/ Zamzam Complex Rambagh Srinagar.www.jkssb.nic.in




Subject: Advanced Notice for conduct of OMR based written Examination/

Computer Based Written Test (CBT) for various posts – regarding.

It is hereby notified for the information of aspirants/ candidates that the

Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) is going to conduct OMR

based written Examination / Computer Based Written Test (CBT) for various posts

mentioned in Annexure “A” to this Notice from the dates as shown against each.

All such candidates who have applied for the posts shown in the

Annexure A, are accordingly informed to participate in the OMR based written

Examination / Computer Based Written Test (CBT).

This is the advance notice for information of concerned candidates and

is subject to change/modification. Final dates shall be notified in due course.



Further, the schedule for downloading of Admit Cards shall also be notified

separately.(Ashok Kumar) JKAS

Controller of Examinations

J&K Services Selection Board Jammu

No. SSB/CoE/2022/ 871-79 Dated:03 .02.2022



Check out full Notification /Dates Here