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University of Kashmir | Notice regarding examination of paper “URDU (UD-116)” pertaining to BG 1st Semester – Regular/Fresh Private (Batch 2021) and Backlog (Batch 2016 – 2020) Commerce Stream candidates


University of Kashmir, Srinagar NOTICE

In continuation to this office Date Sheet of BG 1st Semester (CBCS) for Regular/Fresh

Private candidates (Batch 2021) and Backlog (Batch 2016 -20) issued on 08/10/2021, it is notified or the information of those concerned students who have opted Commerce Stream URDU (UR- 16) and which was not mentioned in the said date sheet shall now be conducted on 09/11/2021

Tuesday) at their respective centres. Time and Venue shall remain unchanged.



Sd/- Asstt. Controller of Exams

(UG Conduct)  (Exam Condt-BG 1° Sem Ku/21



Copy to the:-

1) All concerned Principals;

2) Joint Controller of Examinations;

3) Joint Controller of Examinations (Secrecy);

4) Assistant Controller, Transit/Store;

5) Media Advisor/PRO for wide publicity through print and Electronic media;

6) System Engineer (Concerned);

7 P.A. to Controller of Examinations for information of Controller of Examinations;



University of Kashmir | Notice for B.G 6th Semester (BACKLOG) Batch 2016 & 2017 candidates who couldn’t download their exam forms earlier




In continuation to this office notice of even number dated 30/09/2021 the candidates of BG 6th Semester Backlog (Batch-2016 & 2017), who could not download their examination forms can


now download their examination forms on 05/11/2021 only with a late fee of Rs. 500/-.

Thereafter no further extension shall be granted.


Sd/- Asstt. Controller of Exams

(UG Conduct) No. F(BG 6″ Sem Form Extend (B-16/17) Exam)/KU/21




Copy to the:-


1) Joint Controller of Examinations;

2) Joint Controller of Examinations (Secrecy);

3) Assistant Controller, Transit/Registration;

4) Media Advisor/PRO for wide publicity through print and Electronic media;

5) System Engineer (Concerned);

6) A. to Controller of Examinations for information of Controller of Examinations;

7 File.