Now, you can earn Rs 45,000 in exchange of old 1 rupee note bundle – Here’s how

Now, you can earn Rs 45,000 in exchange of old 1 rupee note bundle – Here’s how


It is a common saying that we should keep our money safe and do not waste it and if you are someone who has a habit of collecting old and rare notes and coins then you can now sell a bundle of old Rs 1 note at nearly Rs 45,000. You can sell the old Re 1 note bundle online.


The One rupee note bundle was released in 1957 and is signed by former Union Finance Minister Hirubhai M. Patel, with jumbling number 123456. The note is being sold at a website called Coinbazzar at Rs 44,999. “Extremely rare, For collectors, One rupee bundle 1957, Signed by H.M Patel, with jumbling number 123456,” the website stated in the description portion.


The original price of the old 1 rupee bundle is Rs 49,999 but the website is selling it for Rs 44,999 after discount.



You need to lon on to coinbazzar website and go to shop section. In the shop section you go to “Note Bundles” category and you will be able to get all relevant details.


If you like to purchase old currency then you can purchase old notes of Rs 50 at Rs 8,200, Rs 10, Rs 5 at Rs 2,999, Rs 2 at Rs 4,999, and Rs 100.


You can also earn some quick money by selling your items through the website. All you need to do is go to the Coinbazzar website and “start selling with us” section. Notably, you will have to register yourself by entering a few details like Username, Email, Verification code, First name, Last name, store name, address 1, address 2, country, city or town, state, pincode, and other details.