SMVDSB Written Test for Assistant Manager.

SMVDSB Written Test for Assistant Manager.


It is hereby notified that “Written Test” of the eligible candidates who have applied for the post of Assistant Manager in response to Adv. No. 06/2023 & 07/2023 dated 15.09.2023 is scheduled to be held on 26.11.2023 at SMVD University, Kakryal at 02:00 PM and the “Written Test” shall be OMR based.


All the shortlisted candidates shall have to reach the venue by 11:00 AM positively.


The candidates shall be required to carry their valid photo identity proof (Adhaar Card, Driving Licence, PAN Card etc) for appearing in the Written Test, failing which, the candidature shall be outrightly rejected. The syllabus has already been uploaded in the official website of Shrine Board.


The list of eligible candidates along with other Terms & Condition and relevant information are available on Shrine Board’s website