University of Kashmir Fresh Job Recruitment 2022
University of Kashmir Fresh Job Recruitment 2022
University of Kashmir: Online Application Forms on the prescribed format available on the University website under Jobs section Or are invited from the eligible candidates for engagement as Chief Trainer. Assistant Trainer and Computer Assistant for the duration of the project entitled “Establishment of Infrastructure for imparting Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)/ Call Centres related training/ Skill to students’ in the Directorate of IT & SS, University of Kashmir.
The online application forms along with self-attested copies of qualification certificates and other necessary testimonials shall have to be submitted by or before 27 November 2022. No hard copy (print out) thereof is required to be submitted nor shall be entertained. Essential and desirable qualification, emoluments and other details of the positions are summarized as under:
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Job Details:
S.No. Post Qualification
01. Name of the Post: Chief Trainer
No. of Posts: 02
Emoluments (Consolidated): Rs . 65000/- (Fixed)
Bachelors in relevant/allied field Engg. with at least 55% marks from a recognized University. OR
MBA / Masters in relevant/allied field with at least 55% marks from a recognized University.
Desirable: – Five years experience of Coordinating BPO (Business Processing Outsourcing) Trainings
2) Name of the Post: Asstt. Trainer
No. of Posts: 04
Emoluments (Consolidated): Rs . 40000/- (Fixed)
Bachelors in relevant/allied field Engg. with at least 55% of aggregate marks from a recognized University. OR
MBA / Masters in relevant/allied field with at least 55% marks from a recognized University Desirable: Three year’s Experience of Conducting BPO (Business Processing Outsourcing) Trainings
3) Name of the Post: Computer Assistant
No. of Posts: 04
Emoluments (Consolidated): Rs . 30000/- (Fixed)
Graduation with minimum Six months Diploma in Computer Applications (Govt recognized).
Other Terms and Conditions:
The applicant must possess Domicile Certificate issued by the Competent Authority on the format preserved for the purpose, on or before the last date of submission of application form.
The applicant should not be above 40 years of age as on 01.01.2022.
The applicants who have obtained degree from the Foreign University should upload equivalence certificate issued by the AIU, New Delhi, without which there candidature will not be considered and application form will be rejected.
Candidates should satisfy themselves about the job responsibilities requirements before appearing in the Interview.
Any applicant found guilty of impersonation or submitting fabricated, tampered fake or forged documents or making statement which are incorrect or false or suppressing material information may be debarred permanently or for a specific period for being considered for any or future appointment, in addition to rendering him/her for criminal proceedings.
Application Form found incomplete in any respect shall be rejected without any notice.
No TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview.
No claim, whatsoever, from the contractual engagee/s for their permanent absorption is maintainable under rules and shall not be entertained at any stage. The engagement is purely temporary and co-terminus with the life of the project.
The information regarding the screened-in/short-listed candidates and the schedule of interview of the eligible candidates shall be notified separately.
The above positions are to be filled on short-term contractual basis, initially for a period of 1 year extendable further on the basis of performance and requirement.
Candidates should provide two references with contact number and email ID for verification of professional experience.
The University reserves its right not to fill up the advertised post or cancel the interview, if the circumstances warrant so.
Directorate of Information Technology & Support System
University of Kashmir
NAAC Accredited Grade “A” | Hazratbal, Srinagar