Aadhaar Card Update: Here`S How To Change Mobile Number, Address In Aadhaar By Following Simple Steps
New Delhi: Aadhaar card has become one of the most crucial documents for Indians to avail a host of services offered by state-backed agencies, banks, and several other public and private financial institutions.
Aadhaar Card is issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) which doesn’t leave any opportunity to inform cardholders about the services it offers online and offline.
For instance, UIDAI has recently informed Aadhaar cardholders about how they can change their mobile numbers and address in Aadhaar card by filling the Aadhaar correction form. After filing the form, cardholders will need to visit a nearby Aadhaar Kendra centre to make corrections to their Aadhaar card.
Here’s how you can change the address or phone number in your Aadhaar card:
1. Download and print certificate for Aadhaar update from UIDAI’s official website.
2. Enter your details such as your Aadhaar number, date of birth, address and resident category, among others.
3. Ensure that you’re filling out the updated details in the certificate for the Aadhaar update. For example – you need to share the latest address or phone number
in the form.
4. In the ‘Enrolment Type’ space, you need to select the
‘Update Request’ option.
5. Verify your details by signing inside the specified box. You can also share your impression of the thumb or finger if you’re unable to sign.
6. Cardholders will now have to past a coloured
photograph of the size 3.5 cm X 4.5 cm. The certifier
cross-sign and stamp on the photograph.
Important points:
– You don’t need to enter the details on behalf of the
certifier in the ‘Certifier’s Details’ section.
– The certificate needs to be submitted to the Aadhaar enrollment or update office within three months of
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