BOSE Directs All Schools in J&K, Ladakh Not To Use Contentious Class 7 Book
*Directs Publisher to Withdraw Textbook Immediately*
Srinagar, Dec 5 (GNS): Board of School Education has directed all schools in Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh not to use the contentious class 7 ‘History and Civics’ textbook over the depiction of last messenger of Islam.
“All the schools of UTs of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh affiliated either with CBSE, JKBOSE or any other Board of the country are directed not to use textbook of “History & Civics “, Edition, 2020 for class 7th published by JAY CEE PUBLICATIONS Pvt Ltd., New Delhi and if the textbook is being used in any school, it must be withdrawn immediately, otherwise strict action as warranted under provisions of law shall be initiated”, reads a notification by the Director Academics.
“While condemning the act of publication of certain material that has hurt the sentiments of the people, the publisher is directed to withdraw this textbook immediately from all the schools wherever it has been distributed, in spite of the publishing house having regretted the mistake made by them”, the notification as per GNS reads further.
Notably the notification has followed few hours after Director of Publication House ‘Jay Cee’ Publications Pvt. Ltd.’ JC Goyal tendered an apology over ‘unintentional mistake’ in the book.
“Most humbly and respectfully, I J.C Goyal, Director of JAY CEE PUBLICATIONS PVT. LTD., due to lack of knowledge about prohibition of picturisation in the Islam, we made an unintentional mistake in our book “History & Civics Book 7, edition 2020, Chapter 02, page number 033, which has hurt the religious sentiments of our respected brethren”, read the handout.
“We as a whole team of Jay Cee Publications Pvt. Ltd apologise and highly regret for the inconvenience, thus caused to our respected brothers and friends. We also promise and assure to all our brothers and friends that the mistake will not be repeated in future editions”, it read.
“We are very grateful to all our brothers so kindly pointed out the mistake in the book”, it further said.
As learnt by GNS, the publication house has published an illustration depicting Prophet Muhammad (SAW) with archangel Jibraeel (AS) in its ICSE History and Civics (Foerver) book for class 7th. The illustration, on page number 33, has been captioned as ‘A painting of Archangel Gabriel who brought message to Muhammad’.
Shaykh-ul-Hadith Mufti Nazir Ahmad Qasmi in a video message regarding the matter said that the personality of Prophet Muhammad is one of the sensitive matters’ for Muslims. “There absolutely is no room for making any depiction of any Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his companions, angels or any of the revered personalities”, Mufti as per GNS said remarking even if it made ‘out of respect’.
Urging the distributors and schools, who may have received, to return the books, Mufti further exhorted that the contents in the books should be deeply scrutinized before selecting for syllabus.
When contacted, President Private School Association Jammu and Kashmir, GN Var told GNS that a meeting has been called in tomorrow to ascertain facts into the matter.
“A meeting with local publishers and booksellers has been called for tomorrow to ascertain facts regarding the matter”, Var said, adding that a stand in our jurisdiction as required will be taken accordingly. (GNS)