Focus on formation of new group enterprises in Ganderbal: Dr Sehrish

Mission Director Jammu & Kashmir Rural Livelihoods Mission (JKRLM) Dr Syed Sehrish Asgar  emphasized on the field staff of the Mission to focus on formation of new group enterprises-FPOs in Ganderbal district.


These directions were passed by her while chairing a review meeting of the Mission for the district.


Addressing the meeting, Dr Sehrish emphasized on the need to give boost to the scheme in the district and to integrate several crafts under one umbrella.


The MD further directed the officials to federate more rural women into the fold of SHGs so that they are able to connect the livelihood interventions for the social and economic upliftment in the District.


While addressing the officials, Dr Sehrish maintained that JKRLM is striving to remove barriers related to food, nutrition, &health. She also said that our focus area is gender integration and social development of women.


Dr Sehrish said the Mission is also providing opportunities to women for entrepreneurship while providing them access to financial institutions and markets. She further emphasized on promotion of livelihoods through convergence approach to enhance the income of women SHGs.


The Mission Director directed the Block Programme Managers to complete the Aadhaar Seeding process during social mobilization itself and enroll all SHG members under social security schemes including PMSBY, PMJJBY etc.


Dr Sehrish also directed the officials to observe COVID-19 appropriate behavior and follow the SOPs while being in the field and also communicate and aware the community to strictly follow the Covid appropriate behavior.


While informing meeting about progress of Blocks in the District, the officials apprised that 14142 Rural women have been federated into 1608 SHGs and an amount of 6.08 crore had been provided to the SHGs as capitalization from the Mission.


It was given out that in addition, the SHGs have been credit linked with the Banks to the tune of Rs 28.52 crore. The SHG members have invested the amount in different livelihoods like mushroom cultivation, milk processing, curd making, sheep rearing, beekeeping etc under various livelihood initiatives.


The meeting was attended by Sajid Yahaya Naqash, Additional Mission Director Kashmir, District Programme Managers, Block Programme Managers, MIS Assistants of District Ganderbal and other officials of the Mission