J&K BoPEE | Admission Notification for B.Ed. Courses-2023

J&K BoPEE | Admission Notification for B.Ed. Courses-2023


Subject: Admission for B.Ed. Courses – 2023 at Institute of Advanced Studies in Education

(IASE), Srinagar/Govt. College of Education, Canal Road, Jammu/B.Ed. Special

Education in Composite Regional Centre (CRC), Srinagar: Invitation of online

applications thereof

Notification No: 020-BOPEE of 2023

Dated: 09-03-2023

Online Applications are invited from the eligible and desirous candidates for

appearing in the Entrance Test for admission to B.Ed. Course in the Institute of Advanced Studies

in Education (IASE) (formerly Govt. College of Education) M. A. Road, Srinagar, B.Ed. Jammu at

Govt. College of Education, Canal Road, Jammu & B.Ed. Special Education at Composite Regional

Centre (CRC), Bemina, Srinagar respectively for academic session 2023. The selection of the

candidates shall be governed by the J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examinations Act, 2002

and the Rules and Regulations there under; the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation Act, 2004 as

amended vide J&K Re-organization Act, 2019 and the Rules there under as amended vide SRO-

518 of 2019 dated 02-09-2019 and S.O. 127 of 2020 dated 20th April, 2020, read with S.O. 249

dated 23-07-2021 and S.O. 277 of 2021 dated 13-08-2021 subject to further amendments, if any,

made by the competent authority, from time to time and guidelines as contained in the

Electronic Information Brochure-2023.

Important Information

1. Receipt of Online Application Forms: w.e.f. 10-03-2023.

2. Last date for filling up of the Online Application Forms: 31-03-2023.

3. Fee Rs. 1200 (Rupees one thousand and two hundred only) to be paid online through

National Credit Card/Debit Card /Net Banking.

4. Please download e-Information Brochure from BOPEE website: www.jkbopee.gov.in

5. Helpdesk numbers: given in the Notification.

6. Date of Entrance Test (Tentatively): 30-04-2023

7. The candidates, in their own interest, are advised to go through the e-Information Brochure

before filling up of Online Application Forms. Board shall not be responsible for any act of

omission or commission in filling up of the Online Application Form by the candidate. It shall

be presumed that the candidate has gone through the information contained in the

Information Brochure and has agreed to follow the conditions contained therein. No

candidate can claim any alteration in conditions which have been incorporated in the

Information Brochure and notified in advance. Any wrong information filled by the candidate

during submission of Online Application Form shall be the sole responsibility of concerned

candidate and Form is likely to be rejected.

8. The candidates are further advised to remain in touch with the BOPEE website

www.jkbopee.gov.in. The Board does not undertake any responsibility for any delay caused

in the publication of Notices/Notifications in the Print Media (newspapers) as delay, if any, in

such publication(s) is not within the control of the Board, notwithstanding that the Board


notifies the same on the official website and for publication simultaneously on the date of

issue of the said notifications/notices etc.

9. The entrance examination shall be conducted offline, if held by the BOPEE.


Help Desk:

The applicants can also contact the Help Desk of I.T. Section of BOPEE during office

hours only on 0194-2437647 / 0194-2433590 / 0191-2479371 / 0191-2470102 and / or email at

helpdeskjakbopee@gmail.com / coejakbopee@gmail.com for any assistance/guidance in this

regard on any working day within the prescribed last date.


Check out full Notification HereĀ