JKSSB Admit Card for sub inspector Police link available Now

GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR JAMMU & KASHMIR SERVICES SELECTION BOARD Hema Complex, Sector -3, Channi Himmat, Jammu/ Zamzam Complex Rambagh





Subject:-Downloading of Admit cards for the OMR Based Objective Type

Written Examination for the posts of Sub-Inspector (Police), (Home Department), UT Cadre, Under Item No 668, Advertisement Notice No

06 of 2021 – regarding.



1. It is hereby notified for the information of all such candidates, who have

applied for the for the posts of Sub-Inspector (Police), (Home Department),

UT Cadre, Under Item No 668, Advertisement Notice No 06 of 2021, that

their OMR Based Objective Type Written Exam is scheduled to be held on


27th of March, 2022, from 12.00 noon to 2.00 pm (Sunday) and their Admit Cards shall be available for downloading from tomorrow i.e 23rd of


March, 2022, onwards from the Official website of JKSSB i.ewww.jkssb.nic.in




The candidates can get access to the Admit Cards from main homepage by entering Application No. and DOB (Hall

Ticket/Admit Card for OMR Based Written Test for the posts of Sub-

Inspector (Police), (Home Department), UT Cadre, Under Item No 668,Advertisement Notice No 06 of 2021).

2. In case a candidate is not able to download his/her admit card, he/she can

represent before the Board, along with evidence in support of his/her claim

by or before 25-03-2022. No claims, in this regard, will be accepted after25-03-2022.




Note :- The duration of examination will be 120 minutes for 120 questions(150 Marks).

There will be 1.25 Mark for each correct option and

negative marking of 0.3125 marks for each wrong option.



(Ashok Kumar) JKAS,Controller of Examination,J&K Services Selection Board


Check /Download Admit Card from HereĀ 




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