JKSSB Sub-Inspector Result declared; check result here

Subject: Result/Score Sheet of candidates for the posts of Sub-

Inspector (Home Department), advertised vide

Notification No. 06 of 2021 dated 21.10.2021.

Whereas, the Home Department, vide Indent No. Home/PB-

II/34/2021 dated 02.07.2021, requisitioned/referred, 800 posts of Sub-

Inspector, UT cadre for direct recruitment to the J&K Services Selection Board

(OKSSB); and,

Whereas, the JKSSB, vide Advertisement Notification No. 06 of

2021 dated 21.10.2021, invited online applications from eligible candidates for

participating in the selection process for aforesaid 800 Posts of Sub-Inspectors

in terms of Rule 176 (1) (C) of S.0. 214 dated 01-07-2021 and S.O. 361 of

2021 dated 20-10-2021, as per the folowing breakup:

Name of the OM Sc ST OSC ALC RBA PSP EWS Total

post IB

Sub-Inspector 400 64 80 32 32 80 32 80 800

Whereas, in terms of S.0 290 of 2021 dated 20.08.2021 issued by

the the Home Department, J8K Government, addendum to Advertisement

Notification No. 06 of 2021 dated 21.10.2021 was issued vide No.

SSB/Secy/Advt. No./2021/7527-42 dated 05.11.2021, vide which it has been

notified that the candidates processing National Cadet Corps (NCC) Certificates

shall be awarded bonus marks for various categories/levels; and

Whereas, the Home Department, vide letter dated 23.11.2021,

conveyed increase in the number of posts of Sub-Inspectors by 400 i.e., from

800 to 1200. Subsequently, vide Notification No. SSB/Secy/2021/7926-42

dated 24.11.2021, the JKSSB notified that the number of posts of Sub

Inspector advertised vide aforementioned Advertisement Notification No. 06 of

2021 shall be read as 1200, as per the following breakup:

Name of the OM SC ST OsC ALC/ |RBA PSP EWS Total

IB post

Sub-Inspector 600 96 120 48 48 120 48 120 1200


Check out Result /Score Sheet here 


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