Job Recruitment in Jamia Millia Islamia For Various Posts Check Details Here

Jamia Millia Islamia(A Central University)

NAAC Accredited Grade “A++”Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025


Advt. No. 01/2023-24 (NT) Dated 29.04.2023

Applications on the prescribed form are invited for various Non-Teachingpositions in Jamia Millia Islamia so as to reach in the Recruitment & Promotion

(Non-Teaching) Section, 2nd Floor, Registrar’s Office, Jamia Millia Islamia, Maulana Mohamed Ali Jauhar Marg, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi–110025 latest by 31.05.2023

during any working days from Monday to Friday between 10:00 A.M. to 05:00 P.M

with Lunch break from 01:00 P.M. to 02:00 P.M. Application forms and other

relevant details are available on the university’s website i.e.



Candidates who have applied for the non-teaching positions advertised

vide Advt. No. 01/2021-22 dated 17.09.2021 are required to apply afresh. Their

candidature will be considered provided they fulfil the advertised qualifications

in this advertisement. However, such applicants shall be exempted from the

payment of prescribed application fee on enclosing the acknowledgement

receipt of application, submitted against the positions advertised vide the

aforesaid advertisement, along with their application form.



1.Deputy Registrar (02)

Pay Level – 12 (Pay Range: ₹ 78,800 – 2,09,200) Plus Allowances


i.Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade in a

point scale wherever grading system is followed.

ii. Five years of experience as Assistant Registrar or in equivalent post in the

Pay Level 10 and above.

Age Limit: 50 years

2.Assistant Registrar (04)

Pay Level – 10 (Pay Range: ₹ 56,100 – 1,77,500) Plus Allowances



i.Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade in a

point scale wherever grading system is followed.

ii. The appointment under direct recruitment shall be made through an All

India open competition by conducting a written test and interview.

Age Limit: 40 years

3.Section Officer (04)

Pay Level – 7 (Pay Range: ₹ 44,900 – 1,42,400) Plus Allowances


i.A Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from any recognised Institute/


ii. Three Years’ Experience as Assistant in the Level 6 or eight years as UDC

in Level 4 in any Central / State Govt./ University/ PSU and other Central

or State Autonomous Institutions or holding equivalent positions in any

reputed Private companies/ bank with annual turnover of at least

Rs.200/- Crores or more.

iii. Proficiency in Computer Operation, noting and drafting.

Age Limit: 40 years

4.Assistant (06)Pay Level – 6 (Pay Range: ₹ 35,400 – 1,12,400) Plus Allowances


i.Bachelor Degree from a recognized University / Institution.

ii. Three Years of experience as UDC or equivalent in the Level 4 in Central/

State Government/ University/ PSU and other Central / State

Autonomous Bodies or equivalent pay package in the reputed private

Companies/ corporate banks with a minimum annual turnover of at least

Rs.200/- Crores or more.

iii. Proficiency in Typing, Computer applications, noting and drafting.

Age Limit: 40 years

5.Upper Division Clerk (UDC) (10)

Pay Level – 4 (Pay Range: ₹ 25,500 – 81,100) Plus Allowances


i.A Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized Institute/ University.

ii. Two year experience as Lower Division Clerk/ Equivalent posts in

University/ Research Establishment / Central State Govt./ PSU/

Autonomous Bodies or equivalent pay package in the reputed private

Companies/ corporate banks with a minimum annual turnover of at least

Rs.200/- Crores or more.

iii. Speed in English Typing @ 35 wpm OR Speed in Hindi/Urdu Typing @ 30


iv. Proficiency in Computer Operations.

Age Limit: 40 years

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