Kashmir University various important Notifications Check Details

University of Kashmir Various important Notifications 


*>> INTERVIEW NOTICE:* The interview of the eligible candidates who have applied for the post of Contractual Lecturer/s in the subject of Psychology (Main Campus), University of Kashmir shall be conducted on 18th March, 2022 at 10.30 a.m. in the office chamber of Dean, School of Education & Behavioural Sciences, University of Kashmir.


> The candidates are advised to bring with them all the required original certificates including teaching experience (if any) at the time of interview.


>> It is notified for the information of all those candidates who have been provisionally selected for admission to Integrated Ph.D 2021 in Mass Communication & Journalism that their counseling shall be held on 16th March,2022 at 11:30 AM at MERC.


>All the selected candidates shall come alongwith their original testimonials.


>> It is notified for the information of all the students of M.Sc Botany semester 4th (batch-2019 ) that the viva voce of the project work will be conducted on Tuesday 22nd of March 2022 at 10.00 a.m. sharp.


>> It is notified for the information of all concerned students of M.Se Chemistry 1st Semester batch 2021, to collect their migration certificate from the department for onwards submission personally to Registration section, Examination block before 20-03-2022.



>> The seminar of M.Sc Electronics 4th semester (batch-2019) has been scheduled on 22-03-2022 (Tuesday) at 10:30 AM. All the students of the batch are directed to attend the same. Dr Shabir Ahmad Parah Is requested to conduct the seminar proceeding.



>> The 4th presentation RPAC (PPT) of Ms Pooja Ph.D scholar is going to be held of 22-03-2022 (Tuesday ) at 11:30 am respectively.


> All the Faculty Members, scholars and students are advised to attend the seminar..


> The Students of BPharm 2nd & 3rd year are hereby informed that their class work will be commencing from Tuesday, 22 March, 2022. All the students are directed to attend their classes regularly as per departmental time-table and maintain their attendance provided which they will not be allowed to sit in final exams.



JKBOSE class 11th Result 2021 Kashmir Division Declaration date announced, Check Here

JKPSC Selection List for the posts of Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies in Cooperative Department.

JKSSB Various Posts – Apply Online before 20 March 2022



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